Metabolism - What Is It and What Roles Does It Play in Your Health ?In our health and weight conscious society, the word "metabolism" gets tossed around a lot, but , are you sure you understand what it really means? So exactly what is metabolism? Most people know that metabolism has something to do with burning calories and maintaining a healthy weight,but, that is only part of the story. Metabolism is a significant part of your body's functions, and metabolic problems can be life threatening. Make sure that you get the full picture about metabolism so you understand how it affects your weight AND your life. Simply put, metabolism is the motor behind every function in your body. There is no one "metabolism" - your metabolism is actually a collection of many different chemical reactions and processes that occur automatically within the body. These reactions take the calories you consume and break them down into energy sources that spur countless processes in your body, from maintaining body temperature to less tangible things like thinking. The kinds of calories consumed and the needs of your body a any given moment determine what kind of energy your metabolism churns out. Without these metabolic processes, your body would wind down to a halt and you would die. Your body's hormone and nervous system also are heavily involved in the way your metabolism works, which explains, for instance why women tend to gain weight more easily than men or store fat in different places. You've probably heard people talk about "slow" metabolisms and "fast" metabolisms. When people say this, they mean that someone with a slow metabolism gains weight very easily because their metabolism doesn't convert food to energy efficiently and that people with fast metabolisms can consume calories at will. There is some truth behind these ideas. If your metabolism is compromised for any reason, from health problems to poor diet, more of the calories you eat will be stored as fat instead of immediately used up. Although it is important not to get too obsessed with the idea of using your metabolism for weight loss - after all, it does so much more than that - having a healthy metabolism can help keep the weight off, and there are things you can do to keep it ticking along at the optimum rate. First and foremost, exercise is the key to revving up your metabolic process. When you exercise, your body gets the message that you need more energy, and your metabolism responds. Research shows that this increased response by your metabolism continues after you've stopped exercising, which means you get the benefits for a long time to come. The other thing you should do is EAT. When you skip meals, your metabolic process thinks it's on vacation. Everything in your body slows down, so that when you do eat again, you metabolism takes awhile to wake up - and you store your calories as fat. Eat at regular intervals and your metabolism doesn't take a break. These tools for keeping your metabolism in tip top shape will not only help you lose weight, but, you'll feel healthier overall. Since your metabolism runs your body, it's a good idea to pay attention to keeping it tuned up.
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